Liquor Me Up With Some Religion Already

I'm not advocating that people who do not use cuss words start using them in order to artificially impress others. Unless of course someone has a video camera rolling because as that scene plays out in my mind it is awkward and hilarious. What I am advocating, or at least questioning, is whether or not we should be judging Christians who already use cuss words as a natural part of their vocabulary.

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You may have spotted me making my rounds on the Internet this week. First, one of my posts was picked up as an article for Transparent Christian Magazine, a site run by Jason Elkins. Quite an honor.

Then this morning I discovered that a comment of mine won a contest over at Stuff Christians Like. The contest was to write a descriptive profile for your favorite Christian stereotype.

dewde said... In order for an adult to "find Jesus", they have to be brainwashed by the Christians during a season of particularly extreme vulnerability. Such as a divorce, or loss, or unemployment, or criminal conviction of some sort.

God, as it were, never seems to seek out the healthy, happy, successful types.

(except me)

So yeah. Busy week. How's it going for you?